Quotes 3




We get what we give, and find what we expect.
It is the weak who are cruel.  Gentleness can only be expected from the strong.  ~Rosten
Due to the shape of the American elk's esophagus, even if it could speak, it could not pronounce the word "lasagna".  ~Cliff Claven, "Cheers"
It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.  ~St. Exupery
We must not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we began, and know the place for the first time.   ~T.S. Elliot
I could have missed the pain, but I would have missed the dance.
Outside of a dog, a book is probably man's best friend, and inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.  ~Groucho Marx
What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.  ~Oliver Wendell Holmes
Life grants nothing to us mortals without hard work.  ~Horace
If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.  Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.  ~Thoreau
Every time we learn something new, we become something new. 
While there's life, there's hope.  ~Cicero
You only become real... when your fur has been rubbed off.   ~M.W.
Every day is new.  Every flower is new.  Every face is new.  Everything in your life is new every morning of your life.
We are a culture of goal-seekers.  It's not the goal, it's the trip that's life. 
There can be no friendship without confidence, and no confidence without integrity.  ~Samuel Johnson
There's small choice in rotten apples.  ~Shakespeare
Happiness is learning to accept the impossible, do without the indispensable, and bare the intolerable.
A loving person lives in a loving world, a hostile person lives in a hostile world; everyone you meet is your mirror.  ~Ken Keys Jr.
Don't try to take on a new personality; it doesn't work.   ~Richard Nixon
You have a responsibility to become all that you are.  When you lose you, there is nothing left.  Maintain your dignity; maintain your integrity.   Nobody can put you down except you.  They may see you differently, but you know who you are.  ~Leo Buscgalia
Last night as I lay in bed, looking up at the stars, I thought to myself, "Where the hell's the ceiling?!"
A hundred years from now it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, the kind of car I drove-- but the world may be different because I was important in the life of a child.
How much time he gains who does not look to see what his neighbor says or does or thinks, but only what he does himself....   ~Antonius
In the country of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.   ~Erasmus
We rarely find people that have good sense, unless they agree with us.  ~Rochefoucauler
If life hands you lemons, stick them in your bra-- can't hurt, might help.
Forget your mistakes, but remember the lessons they taught you.
When you reach for the stars, you may not quite get one, but you won't come back with mud, either.  ~Leo Burnett
We are, each of us, angels with one wing, and we can fly only embracing one another.  ~Luciano Decrescenzo
Nothing can resist the human will that will stake even its existence on its stated purpose.  ~Benjamin Desraili
We will either find a way or make one.  ~Hannibal
A faithful friend is a sturdy shelter; he that has found one has found a treasure.  ~The Bible
It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped.   ~Anthony Robbins
If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself, but to your own estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment.  ~Marcus Aurelius
The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible.  ~Arthur C. Clarke
He too serves a purpose who only stands and cheers.  ~Henrey Adams
We don't see things as they are, we see things as we are.   ~Talmud
To smell the roses isn't enough.  They must be tended as well.
Eat a live toad first thing in the morning, and nothing worse will happen to you all day. 
We know too much and feel too little.  At least, we feel too little of those creative emotions from which a good life springs.  ~Bertrand Russell
Experience is not what happens to a man; it is what a man does with what happens to him.  ~Aldous Huxley
Man's mind, stretched to a new idea, never goes back to its original dimensions.  ~Oliver Wendell Holmes
Imagination is more important than knowledge.  ~Albert Einstein
In a full heart there is room for everything, and in an empty heart there is room for nothing.  ~Antonio Porchia
Fool's names like fool's faces are often seen in public places.
The expense of being human is that one does not seek perfection.   ~George Orwell
Nobody ever went to his deathbed wishing he'd spent more time at the office.  ~Michael Josephson

Assumption is the mother of screw up.   ~Angelo Donghia

Tell me what you pay attention to, and I'll tell you who you are.  ~Jose O Gasset

For you in my respect are all the world: Then how can it be said I am alone, when all the world is here to look on me?  ~Shakespeare

...'scuse me while I kiss the sky.  ~James Marshall

There's nothing like a little experience to upset a theory. 

If we weren't meant to keep starting over, why would God have given us Mondays?

The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.

What fits together goes together, and the rest is thrown away.

Better to be occasionally cheated than perpetually suspicious.

There is no right way to do the wrong thing.

Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power. 

Sleep on what you plan to do.  Don't stay awake over what you have done.

I loathe people who keep dogs.  They are cowards who haven't got the guts to bite people themselves.  ~August Strndberg

The most wasted day of all is that during which we have not laughed.  ~Sebastian Chamfort

No matter how cynical you get, you can't keep up.   ~Lily Tomlin

No man means all he says, and yet very few say all they mean, for words are slippery and thought is viscous.  ~Henry B. Adams

I don't want to achieve immortality through my work.  I want to achieve immorality through not dying.  ~Woody Allen

Never argue with a fool.  People might not know the difference. 

Nobody is more dangerous than he who imagines himself pure of heart; for his purity, by definition, is unassailable.  ~James Baldwin


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