The kids on the old Mickey Mouse Club used to finish the show with a little song that ended like this: "Why? Because we like you. M-O-U-S-E." Those squares had no idea I'd someday be referring to their song as a dramatic way to introduce a hard-hitting web page about the paranoia surrounding the Year 2000. I'm calling this page: "Y2K? Because we like mass panic. F-U-R-B-Y." This page arrives only after months of research, involving me scouring the papers for Y2K-related information-- mostly found in Dear Abby and the Grizwells. As I continued my Y2K research, strangers would often come up to me at Big Lots and ask: "Kermit, what can I do to become Y2K compatible?" Instead of answering all the Y2K questions individually, I have saved up the most frequently asked questions for this page. Here they are. Enjoy. Q: Is the sky falling? A: No, but beware of kooks who enjoy nude skydiving. I once saw a story about that on "Real People", that show back in the 80's hosted by Byron Allen, funny man Skip Stevenson, and Sara Purcell, the woman who cried after each story-- including the one about nude skydiving. Q: What does Y2K stand for? A: The "Y" stands for year, the "2" stands for 2000, and the "K" stands for potassium. Q: What am I doing to prepare for Y2K? A: First,
I'm eating a lot of pizza and Chinese food and Cadbury Eggs so I get fat and will have
extra energy stored away incase the world shuts down. That's my story, and I'm
sticking to it. Q: Are really, really big pants Y2K compatible? A: No, but cutoffs are. Q: Will your car or custom van start after Y2K? A: First
of all, I don't own a custom van, but that doesn't mean I don't want a custom van.
Or a luxury van. Actually, I dream of someday owning a custom van with a mural of
another custom van with a mural on it painted on the side. Q: What are the "Y2K Gremlins"? And will they be starring in a hit movie this summer? A: I've
checked with Hollywood insiders and it turns out Ron Howard is lined up to direct
"The Y2K Gremlins", a movie about ugly computerized cars that turn against their
creators and plot to take over the universe through the use of diabolical methods. Q: Will the cable go out? A: Better not. This is my primary concern with the whole Y2K issue. I get upset if I miss my shows. Q: Are the Bionic Man, Bionic Woman, Bionic Dog and Bionic Bigfoot all Y2K compatible? A: If
your Bionic Bigfoot was purchased after 1988, you should be okay. But since the
Bionic Man, for a mere $6 million, was built back in 1974, he will likely explode into a
million pieces when the next epoch arrives. Q: What is an epoch? A: Sort of like a burrito, but deep fried. Q: What about Furby? A: Furby
is a little too Y2K compliant. I fear those furry little Gremlins-- if you will--
may run the country come January 1, 2000. Q: Is there any possible way you can tie this back to the Mickey Mouse Club as a gimmicky way to conclude? A: Donald Duck.